STAR has 8 beds reserved for students who find themselves in immediate need of shelter. Students may remain in these beds for up to two weeks. During that time, STAR will work with each student to help find a more permanent living situation. Sometimes, the best solution for a student is to remain in the residence hall. In those cases, STAR has a scholarship that can cover some or all of the cost of living in the residence hall if circumstances warrant.
Some reasons for needing crisis housing include:
- Current residence becomes unlivable (water damage, fire, mold, extended loss of utilities, etc.)
- Disputes / threats of violence from roommates, landlord, neighbors, etc.
- Sudden change in financial status (job loss, family situations, etc.)
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list – each petition for crisis housing is carefully considered. Please note that Crisis Housing is for urgent crises only; we cannot help with long-term housing difficulties (e.g. unable to find affordable housing).
If you are in need of housing assistance, complete the Crisis Housing Petition or for more information, contact Steve Fazenbaker, steve.fazenbaker@gatech.edu